#1 05-15-2020 2:32 pm

Arcade Staff
Posts: 582

Friday Pin Update - More tweaks added.

We just released a new version of the pins.   We have been receiving a lot of feedback in the forums and via support messages on the state of the pins.   We are committed to improvements but recognize that we cannot make everyone happy, nor do we want it to just be 300 games all day long.

Please give this change a try.


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


#2 05-15-2020 6:17 pm

MVP Member
Posts: 76

Re: Friday Pin Update - More tweaks added.

This is terrible. Room for improvements yes but you made it worse. I had to cancel my membership this morning. Sorry but until it improves I won't pay any longer.


#3 05-16-2020 2:19 pm


Re: Friday Pin Update - More tweaks added.

Sorry to say but the new pins are worse then before you changed them Case. When i throw what i know is a strike ball pins are left standing and pins are being taken from the gutters and placed back into play.

#4 05-16-2020 7:25 pm

MVP Member
Posts: 11

Re: Friday Pin Update - More tweaks added.

I have some in the FRIENDS league that are thinking about not bowling until you fix it back to the way it was . Just saying


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