#1 04-30-2020 6:24 pm

Arcade Staff
Posts: 582

Bingo Updates - Better scores and faster playing.

Hi all,

We have released a new update to our Bingo Beta test! 

The following changes have been made:

  • New "Play Now" button.  This starts the game immediately using the currently available balls.   You can use this if you are playing alone or don't feel like waiting for the next round to start.   If you're playing with friends, you will want to start at the same time to play the same balls, or wait for the round to auto-start your game.

  • All rows dabbed now count towards scoring and are worth 100 points each.

  • Each number you dab is now worth 1 point, to reduce the possibility of ties.

  • Custom dauber options for MVP members - pick your favorite color!

  • Increased default caller speed by 1.5 seconds.

  • Increased default number of balls drawn by 5.

We are planning on the following updates in the next week or so:

  • Faster caller options.  We will create rooms for Fast Call mode and also make this a league adjustable setting.

  • Calling more numbers.  This will also be a league adjustable setting to increase or decrease the number of balls called.

  • Shorter timer options between rounds, or potentially a way for the league admins to control the countdown.


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


#2 05-03-2020 4:35 pm


Re: Bingo Updates - Better scores and faster playing.

Thank you very much for the new bingo updates.Tourneys run much better now.There is one thing though,when some one gets a bingo, it gets announced in the chat.With a lot in tourneys it gets hard to separate  members chat from the site bingo announcements.Would be nice if hosts could disable it some how.Thank you for all the hard work you all do on this great site.

#3 05-03-2020 7:00 pm

Arcade Staff
Posts: 582

Re: Bingo Updates - Better scores and faster playing.

sensiluv3 wrote:

Thank you very much for the new bingo updates.Tourneys run much better now.There is one thing though,when some one gets a bingo, it gets announced in the chat.With a lot in tourneys it gets hard to separate  members chat from the site bingo announcements.Would be nice if hosts could disable it some how.Thank you for all the hard work you all do on this great site.

I agree it gets a bit noisy.  We can definitely make that an option, and maybe we can tone it down since there are more bingos happening now also and reserve it for things like blackouts.


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


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