#1 04-25-2020 7:51 pm

Arcade Staff
Posts: 579

Interface Clean Up - We are working to make the site easier to use.

Hi all,

You may have noticed that the site design has been updated a bit this weekend.  We have increased the font size on the menu bar, decreased the size of the leveling up meter and cleaned up some of the page design.   As a result we have also been able to slightly increase the game size area.

We will be continuing to make some updates and tweaks over the next few days to improve the layouts and will be rolling out new icons for our MVP members.   We have also updated the design in anticipation of rolling out of the badge system that we have been working on.

Please let us know if you have any problems or feedback!


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


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