#1 05-21-2020 5:29 pm

Arcade Staff
Posts: 579

Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Hi all,

We have rolled out a ban tool for league rooms this afternoon.  Now, in addition to kicking and silencing users, league moderators will be able to issue permanent bans from their room to users not following the rules of the room.

Moderators, you can find this ability on your Manage Room link.  We do recommend using silencing and kicking before banning.  Now that people can be banned we hope they will respect room rules more so please give them a chance to do so.

Users that are banned from multiple rooms for abusive behavior may have their site access revoked so please keep it clean and respect the rules of the league rooms.


Founder and Lead Programmer for Case's Arcade, MyLeague.com and Case's Ladder!


#2 05-21-2020 5:31 pm

MVP Member
From: computer/phone
Posts: 250

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users


My name is Cyndi. WISHING EVERYONE A HEALTHY & HAPPY 2025!!! *THRIVE IN '25!!!*
Essential Home Health Care Worker for Elderly - HA/HTD/CREATOR --- BOWL OF FUN LEAGUE --- CINDERLOVE5


#3 05-21-2020 6:15 pm

From: Cases Arcade, Silly
Posts: 237

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Thank you kindly Case.  I am happy to report that during tournaments today we had two visitors.  Captain1217 was one of them.  Both obeyed our league rules governing guests during active tournaments and  observed the tournaments without any disruptions.  I am grateful for the decency and respect shown to our league today.  I personally get no joy from removing someone from our room or even muting them.  I always send out two warnings before taking any actions at all.  I will not abuse the ban command and it will be resorted to only as a last measure should all else fail.  Thanks again.

Hey Yall!!  My Name Is Kimberly And  I Enjoy Bowling At Case's Arcade With My Friends.  I Am A Tour Director With The Little Paws League.


#4 05-21-2020 8:51 pm

MVP Member
Posts: 30

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Hi am mldf710 head admin of the funny farm league i had one of your monitors come into my room when we were doing a tourney. I have to say all my members really enjoyed having a tourney here tonight. I havent had any issues with all that has come into our room, but its good to know I have some recourse to take should that happen. Thank you again for these games. I would like to mention it would be nice to maybe have gin or spades or some kind of card game we could host. HINT HINT lol just a suggestion. Thank you mldf710


#5 05-22-2020 4:35 am

MVP Member
From: Virginia
Posts: 12

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Thank you to the staff for incorporating this feature.

Angie- Head Admin-FRIENDS


#6 05-22-2020 8:47 am

From: Cases Arcade, Silly
Posts: 237

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

It became necessary this morning to ban user "captain1217" from our room.  After repeatedly asking him to cease from bowling during our tours he replied "nobody can stop me".  (He must not have gotten the memo about the new "ban" feature lol)  So I was left with little choice.  Cinderslove5 (our HA) has a photo shot of the chat box exchange.

Last edited by SexySouthernGirl (05-22-2020 9:46 am)

Hey Yall!!  My Name Is Kimberly And  I Enjoy Bowling At Case's Arcade With My Friends.  I Am A Tour Director With The Little Paws League.


#7 05-22-2020 8:52 am

From: toronto,canada
Posts: 55

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

you should not be allowed to tell people that they can not bowl in your league room during tours this is how leagues grow just my opinion

and thats the bottom line cause stone cold said so


#8 05-22-2020 9:05 am

From: Cases Arcade, Silly
Posts: 237

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  Captain11217 was repeatedly asked nicely to comply with our league rules and refused.  League rooms are not "public rooms" and each league has the right to set up its own rules and regulations.
Personally I and the members of our league are elated with this new feature.  Thanks again Case!

Last edited by SexySouthernGirl (05-22-2020 9:11 am)

Hey Yall!!  My Name Is Kimberly And  I Enjoy Bowling At Case's Arcade With My Friends.  I Am A Tour Director With The Little Paws League.


#9 05-22-2020 12:42 pm

MVP Member
Posts: 76

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Of all things this was the last thing this site needed.


#10 05-22-2020 2:44 pm

MVP Member
From: computer/phone
Posts: 250

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

(stonecold, SLF) With the requirement to have minimum of 20 ppl to obtain a room to be called your own, I believe it is certainly our option to ask others not to bowl in our league room while we are touring.  We worked hard to get enough bowlers together to meet the requirement to have a room drama free and fun, OF OUR OWN. (some of us have paid to be MVPs). Had captain11217 ever been nice to anyone in our room, respected  the site and not told us he cannot be stopped, that would have been different. Everyone here and on Pogo refers to him as trouble with CAPITAL T . We tried. I have all the chat in screen shots to verify we followed the rules. He was intent on being a pest. He came only during tours, never on times we were just bowling. I just do not understand why so many of you leaving comments on our action think negative about the rules we have engaged in our league to keep it fun and entertaining. That was why we came to Case's and eagerly earned a room of our own. So we would NOT have to put up with disrespectful trouble makers. I informed all of our members to politely ask visitors not to bowl during tours and if they are interested in joining to give them the link to myleague.com. Today we gained another member, even as this ban action had to be implemented and was taking place.  SO BOWL ON MY FRIENDS - HAVE FUN!!! THAT IS WHY WE'RE HERE!

My name is Cyndi. WISHING EVERYONE A HEALTHY & HAPPY 2025!!! *THRIVE IN '25!!!*
Essential Home Health Care Worker for Elderly - HA/HTD/CREATOR --- BOWL OF FUN LEAGUE --- CINDERLOVE5


#11 05-22-2020 8:59 pm

Posts: 29

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

I agree with you Cyndi.  Kim and I came over here from Pogo and worked diligently with the league to gain a league room of our own.  And we have the right to govern that room as we see fit. so long as it falls within the guidelines set by this site.  Because of my work schedule I cannot join in the fun as much as I would like.  But when I do get the chance I would like the experience to be fun and enjoyable.  I'm glad Case has given you the ways and means to protect the sanctity and integrity of the room we worked so hard to get...the room we hold so dear.  Unfortunately there are those who cannot seem to comply with or refuse to obey a very minimal, very rudimentary, set of basic rules...those that prefer an environment of anarchy, disorder, and chaos.  For those I would suggest Pogo...where they would feel more at home.  For those, like us, who left Pogo to escape the insanity...we would like to extend an invitation to you to visit our Bowl Of Fun league room and/or possibly join our league.  We are a fun-loving group and we'd love to meet you.  Now as Forrest Gump was fond of saying..."That's all I got to say about that."

Last edited by bayoubengal (05-22-2020 9:36 pm)

Proud Member Of Little Paws League


#12 05-23-2020 1:12 pm

From: Cases Arcade, Silly
Posts: 237

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

There is absolutely no problem with anyone coming into our tour room at all.  We only ask that if they visit during tours that they do not distract the players or tour in progress by bowling or chatting.  There are 168 hours in a week.  Our tours take 12 hours per week.  That leaves 156 hours each week that we ARE NOT running tours and everyone is free to come visit/bowl/chat.  And lastly we NEVER tell anyone to "get out" as you say.  We politely ask them not to disturb tours in progress by bowling or chatting until we conclude our tours.  Thats not too much to ask.

Last edited by SexySouthernGirl (05-23-2020 1:19 pm)

Hey Yall!!  My Name Is Kimberly And  I Enjoy Bowling At Case's Arcade With My Friends.  I Am A Tour Director With The Little Paws League.


#13 05-24-2020 5:00 am

MVP Member
From: computer/phone
Posts: 250

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

I find it interesting that our league and our rules seem to be under the microscope over a fella that is known as TROUBLE - who has a reputation of being just THAT - who gave us no choice but to remove him. There is no reason in 2020 that women need to be treated like this site is a pick up site which I have witnessed him do in public rooms just days before.

Paying for this site doesn't open league rooms to everyone and if it does, then it needs to be clearly stated to leagues that others may have access to everything, which I believe NOT to be the case. I am assuming you speak of MVP+ (sensiluv3). I am MVP and it doesn't open everything to me, nor would I ever expect that LEAGUE rooms be OPEN like PUBLIC rooms EVER whether it be MVP or MVP+. I am aware that MVP+ opens 'testings' before they become actual games.

The issue here is/was a fella that told us in our own room that we had no recourse to stop his rude and disruptive behavior in the MIDDLE of our tours. Case provided a remedy so we could carry on with the fun that we come here for - FRIENDS, LAUGHTER, FUN - Our league seems to be even more appealing to those who visit Case's Arcade from Pogo as we are not about the drama and we don't have to tolerate such drama thanks to this feature/tool. One that we will only use when absolutely necessary! Only the HA in our league has authority to activate this tool unless approval is given to TD or MOD.  Thank you again Case for trusting us to use it wisely. BOWL ON!!!

My name is Cyndi. WISHING EVERYONE A HEALTHY & HAPPY 2025!!! *THRIVE IN '25!!!*
Essential Home Health Care Worker for Elderly - HA/HTD/CREATOR --- BOWL OF FUN LEAGUE --- CINDERLOVE5


#14 05-24-2020 7:53 am

From: toronto,canada
Posts: 55

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

your under fire for the fact that you guys tell people that they can not bowl in your room during your tour times
again how is your league suppossed to grow if you will not allow people to bowl in your room during tours??you all come from pogo you alll know how the league thng works you guys are in the wrong for telling people they can not bowl in your room during tours thats what this convo is all about and nothing more

and thats the bottom line cause stone cold said so


#15 05-24-2020 10:26 am

MVP Member
From: computer/phone
Posts: 250

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

FYI - all this talk of us being wrong to have implemented this tool with due cause has only made even more people come to check our league out. They are visiting and considering joining. We just ask they don't bowl or chat WHILE our tours are IN PROGRESS. This ISN'T Pogo. Most of us never did leagues there. We did challenges where it was open to all and most times there were those who had to ruin it with troublesome antics. Our league here offers FUN - NO DRAMA -NO DISRESPECT  (and that's the bottom line - cuz - WE SAID SO!)  Pogo is a different site all together. We embrace the change here on Case's Arcade. We love it! We will grow as a league due to kindness and respect for our fellow bowlers. We came here because here we are heard and respected by those who built it and run it. AGAIN WE THANK YOU CASE FOR LISTENING. This is where the reply in our defense ends from our league. Have a great day everyone! Remember our fallen soldiers this Memorial Weekend! For without them, our freedoms would not exist. THANK YOU SOLDIERS.

Last edited by cinderslove5 (05-24-2020 10:29 am)

My name is Cyndi. WISHING EVERYONE A HEALTHY & HAPPY 2025!!! *THRIVE IN '25!!!*
Essential Home Health Care Worker for Elderly - HA/HTD/CREATOR --- BOWL OF FUN LEAGUE --- CINDERLOVE5


#16 05-24-2020 8:20 pm

Posts: 29

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

People are not stupid.  They can see who the real drama queens have been in this thread.  I would like to thank you sensiluv3 and also the Steve Austin wannabe for your negative statements, snide remarks, derogatory comments, and false accusations.  Thanks to the both of you our Bowl Of Fun  league has experienced an influx of new members over the past few days.  Keep up the good work.  You're our best recruiters!  Have a safe and pleasant Memorial Day.  Pause to remember the fallen.

Task Force Falcon OEF, Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, Afghanistan 1988-1992

Last edited by bayoubengal (05-24-2020 8:45 pm)

Proud Member Of Little Paws League


#17 05-24-2020 9:36 pm


Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

I never made any false accusations.I just merely stated how I felt on the matter.But you are right,people are not stupid.You claim to have a influx of new members.But failed to say that 2 withdrew.Not to mention no tours set.

#18 05-24-2020 9:40 pm

From: toronto,canada
Posts: 55

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

You are still marking my statement right you still say that you ask people not to bowl in your room during tour times we have all been told that we are allowed to bowl in any league and public rooms we choose were not trying to argue here were just  stating a fact of your  words and league rules that should not be getting granted period

and thats the bottom line cause stone cold said so


#19 05-24-2020 9:54 pm

Posts: 29

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Again you are mistaken sensiluv3.  Two passed away.  We lost both VietnamVet and TechTiger to cancer within a week of each other.  Bottom line is the Bowl Of Fun league and room are OURS.  Not YOURS.  And we have no complaints from our members.  We are not in violation of ANY rules or regulations set forth by this site or MyLeague.  So if you have a problem with the way we run our league or room take it up with Case.  I'm done with the both of you.

Task Force Falcon OEF, Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, Afghanistan 1988-1992

Proud Member Of Little Paws League


#20 05-25-2020 12:40 am

MVP Member
Posts: 42

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Oh my goodness VietnamVet passed away? He was a good friend of mine I`m ss to hear that. sad


Thetwosteppers league

Last edited by Sandy19577 (05-25-2020 12:41 am)


#21 05-25-2020 1:41 am

MVP Member
Posts: 76

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

bayoubengal wrote:

Again you are mistaken sensiluv3.  Two passed away.  We lost both VietnamVet and TechTiger to cancer within a week of each other.  Bottom line is the Bowl Of Fun league and room are OURS.  Not YOURS.  And we have no complaints from our members.  We are not in violation of ANY rules or regulations set forth by this site or MyLeague.  So if you have a problem with the way we run our league or room take it up with Case.  I'm done with the both of you.

Task Force Falcon OEF, Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, Afghanistan 1988-1992

Are you talking about Larry?? If so when did he pass?


#22 05-25-2020 3:41 am

From: United Kingdom
Posts: 61

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

I knew VietnamVet as well my prayers to his family at this difficult time.

Hi i;m Jani and I am Head admin in steppers
Janice Ann Waite


#23 05-25-2020 3:49 am

From: United Kingdom
Posts: 61

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

hi Cindi I remember when bowling for fun did challenges in Pogo and i know my mom Brenda used to enjoy them I will check your league out.

Hi i;m Jani and I am Head admin in steppers
Janice Ann Waite


#24 05-25-2020 1:13 pm

Posts: 30

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Hi Case & Staff,

TY, TY Case & Staff for this sometimes necessary feature!

So far, we haven't had any disruptive visitors to our rooms --and for that, the Dragonslayers league is grateful!

Our league-members have some Extended Friends and Visitors in Pogo when we play our tours there, who we hope may join us at MyLeague/Case's Arcade. We WELCOME visitors to our Pogo & Case's Arcade rooms as long as these visitors don't disrupt our tourneys.

     --blessedly, this Captain1217/Captain11217 ---ISN'T an Extended Friend, nor a Visitor.

**I will say, I'm glad this forum can also give a "Heads-up" to Head Admins of who to watch out for (and report!)! That's a league right too! 

I will have my HTDs, Co-Admins & myself use this tool carefully.

Head Admin: Dragonslayers; Psalms 46:1 & Galatians 5:22 ~Aries~ ~Gwendolyn Brooks' Poem: Weaponed Woman ~Maya Angelou Poems: And Still I Rise; Phenomenal Woman;
On the Pulse of Morning


#25 05-25-2020 8:20 pm

MVP Member
Posts: 42

Re: Chat Ban Tool Available - League moderators can now ban users

Hiya Cases
I was wondering is vietnamvet707172 the same vet who passed away is it 2 vietnamvet707172?  The Vet I know won 2 tours today in the babycritters league. Was wondering if we are talking about someone different?

Sandy19577   neutral


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